Social Ice Hockey

First Week Complete

04/04/2011 08:49

 Firstly thanks for the cooperation by all participants! You made the first week of games an enjoyable and stress free!

There has been a slight change to the team colours, they are as follows:
Team 1: BLUE
Team 2: WHITE
Team 3: BLACK
Team 4: RED


Tuesday 5th April games:
Game 1: BLUE vs. BLACK – Ref = JC

Goalies: Matt     &     Ed

Game 2: WHITE vs. RED – Ref = Chay
Goalies: Matt    &      Ant

The draw will remain as is, so please do not get confused by the colour of the jerseys.

From the first week it seems that the teams are fairly even. In saying that, please remember that this is a social/development competition. Regardless of the score, everyone should be equally participating, playing fair and most importantly having fun.

To all the experienced players who helped their team mates (some of which it was their first game) thank you very much.

Please remember if you can see a beginner puck handling or skating with the puck, don’t poke check or steal the puck from them the second they get it. Allow them to skate with the puck and give them some room to develop their skills. At the end of the day, getting possession of the puck from a beginner is not going to help improve your skill level.


If anyone has any feedback or suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.



